Comprehensive Functional Diagnostic Testing

Nutrigenomics Testing & Genetic Profiling
Unlock the potential of your DNA with our genetic profiling services. By analysing your genetic makeup, we provide insights into everything from energy production and weight management to stress tolerance and detoxification capacity. This personalised approach allows you to tailor your diet, lifestyle, and wellness strategies to match your unique genetic profile, helping you optimise health and prevent potential risks.

DUTCH Test for Hormonal Balance
The DUTCH test is the ultimate tool for understanding your hormonal health. This at-home test offers a comprehensive analysis of sex and adrenal hormones, melatonin, and their metabolites, making it ideal for anyone struggling with energy and hormonal imbalances. Additionally, the DUTCH test includes organic acid markers that can reveal mood disorders, fatigue, gut health issues, and signs of neuroinflammation or DNA damage.

Organic Acids Testing (OAT)
OAT is a powerful diagnostic tool that offers deep insights into your body's biochemical processes. Through a simple urine test, we can assess everything from B-vitamin deficiencies and mitochondrial function to neurotransmitter metabolism and oxidative stress levels. This detailed analysis helps uncover the root causes of chronic health issues, providing a roadmap for personalised treatment and prevention strategies.

Advanced Stool Testing
Our stool testing services provide a thorough examination of your gastrointestinal health. This non-invasive test evaluates digestion efficiency, nutrient absorption, and the balance of beneficial bacteria, while also screening for pathogens like bacteria, yeast, and parasites. With this comprehensive insight, you can take control of your gut health and address any underlying issues that may be affecting your overall wellness.

Allergies & Intolerance Testing
Identify and manage allergies or intolerances that may be impacting your health. We offer specialised testing to detect food and environmental allergens, allowing for targeted interventions that can reduce symptoms and improve your quality of life.

Heavy Metal Testing
Assess your exposure to toxic heavy metals with our comprehensive testing options. The Mercury Tri-Test and Blood Metals Panel provide a detailed analysis of mercury levels and 16 other metals, offering crucial insights into your body's toxic load and guiding detoxification strategies

For more information or to discuss which tests may be right for you, please feel free to reach out to us at We're here to help you navigate your health journey.